Frank Moricz

Web Portfolio and Art Gallery

Magic made with caffeine and a keyboard.

The writing section - Wednesday, January 23rd

It actually took me quite a while to get some of my older writing works into the system - that's what I get for backing them up in different places.  There's still more to come, but I have a good amount of flash fiction up now and a few short stories.  The flash fiction brought back some great memories for me from back when I was a regular on  Most of those pieces were originally entered for a daily contest.  While writing 300 words is no challenge, writing a whole story within that span can be quite an experience.  I encourage you to try it. :)

The "Legends of Aura" series has a lot of unfinished pieces.  The largest finished piece is of course The Ternion, but I can't exactly post the entire novel here if I ever expect to get it published (it's fantasy/sci-fi and about 140,000 words).  Maybe I'll post up a chapter or two for people to check out.  In the meantime, I'm scouring my drives for the various other segments which exist in the form of short stories.

Next on the web front, I'm going to throw the Art Gallery together, which will basically expand the code I already have for the Mini-Gallery on the front page.  Lightbox is a great tool for something like that, and the section will be ordered as opposed to randomized, so it'll be much easier to see the newest art as it happens.